Lady Margaret Hall Junior Common Room

JCR Meetings

What are JCR Meetings?

JCR Meetings are the body facilitating discussion and decision making of the student body. We have 4 JCR general meetings per term, normally on the Saturday of 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th Weeks. These take place in the bar and offer free pizza, free drinks and LMDemocracy!

Submit a Motion

Motions are the organ by which members of the JCR can pledge opinions, ask for money or change the JCR Constitution. 

You need to have two ordinary members of the JCR to propose and second a motion. 

At the meeting, the person who has proposed the motion will be asked to speak, but you can get someone else to on your behalf if you’d prefer. Then if someone wants to speak against the motion they can and a more general debate may be had. 

People can also propose amendments to your motion at the meeting, which if seconded and voted through will mean the motion can only pass with this amendment. More info on this process can be found in Standing Order 1, Section 7 of the JCR Constitution

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