Lady Margaret Hall Junior Common Room

Clubs & Societies

In order to claim money from the JCR budget and receive JCR advertising, you must register your society with the JCR Secretary using this form for a club/society, and this form for a sports team. 

If you’re looking to set up an LMH society, just go for it and register! Rooms can be booked through the LMH Intranet, and you can advertise through the LMH JCR Facebook group, the weekly bulletin, etc. 

Registered LMH Clubs & Societies

Alison Brading Circle

A social society for medial and life scientists; we're intending to host casual socials, formal dinners and events led by external speakers.

Heads: Oishee Ghosh (President), Edie Budd (Secretary) & Sophie Sheldon (Treasurer)
Contact Email: [email protected]


A contemporary music collective at LMH organising monthly concerts of contemporary classical music.

Head: Christopher Churcher
Contact Email: [email protected]

Hummus Society

The new and improved home of Oxford hummus. Hummus galore and hackery no more. There is no humm-me, only humm-us.

Heads: Kara Martin, Silvia Dignum-Smith & Katrina Taylor
Contact Emails: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

Lady Margaret Film Club

We'll (try to) be screening a film each week in the Simpkins Lee Theatre, availability permitting!

Head: Sabina Radu
Contact Email: [email protected]

LMH Astronomical Society

The LMH AstroSoc's goal is bringing the sky down to all LMHers! We'll be organising several events throughout the year, from night socials to talks at various levels with experts to give everyone a chance to have fun and better understand what's above our college and beyond.

Head: Elena Selmi
Contact Email: [email protected]

LMH Chamber Orchestra

A chill place for music making, no expectation of experience, and welcome to new and experienced players! We'll be doing a set piece(s) each term, decided based on interest and numbers.

Head: Leonard Nucinkis
Contact Email: [email protected]

LMH Choir

LMH Choir sing evensong weekly in the chapel, as well as going on tours and socials.

Head: Alexander Hall
Contact Email: [email protected]

LMHugh's Christian Union

The LMHugh's CU is a friendly community open to all and an amazing way to find out more about the Christianity, socialise and be encouraged. We meet a couple of times each week (details on our Instagram @lmhughs_cu) and would love to see you then!

Heads: Elizabeth David & Bethany Alexander
Contact Emails: [email protected]; [email protected]

LMH Discussion Salon

A society for relaxed and friendly conversation about the big questions of life.

Head: Cem Kozanoglu
Contact Email: [email protected]

LMH History Society

The student-run LMH History Society was formed in 2011 and has been welcoming guest speakers and hosting social events ever since! We're a friendly, relaxed community open to anyone with an interest in history.

Heads: Isaac Lethbridge, Evan Cussans, Bruno McGrath & Joshua Watt
Contact Email: [email protected]

LMH House Band

A house band to provide LMBar with live music, hopefully weekly!

Head: Dominic Buxton
Contact Email: [email protected]

LMH Law Society

The LMH Law Society is a society centred around legal studies. It is currently run by four second-year law students. Previous events have included dinners sponsored by law firms and discussions regarding legal topics.

Head: Noelle Leow
Contact Email: [email protected]

The Daisy Circle

LMH's society for anyone interested in politics, philosophy or economics, who meet up to discuss current affairs and issues of the day.

Heads: Ana Higginson, Kevin Shen & Natasha Allen
Contact Email: [email protected]

The Beaufort Salon

A creative writing society.

Head: Hamilton Quinn, Pearl Crumb and Mai Kheir
Contact Email: [email protected]

Tim Hetherington's Photography Society

A photography society focused on using Tim's work to educate and inspire member's creation of journalistic photography pieces.

Head: Alex Boardman
Contact Email: [email protected]

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