The JCR Executive Committee is the representative body in the JCR. This consists of the President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. They oversee the democratic and responsible functioning of the JCR, and act as the JCR Charity Trustees.
The Welfare team consists of the Welfare Officers (non-male and non-female identifying officers), Foundation Year Officer, Freshers’ Committee, Estranged and Independent Care Leavers Officer, and Academic Affairs and Suspended Students Officer. They oversee the JCR’s welfare programme as well as organise social events to promote welfare.
Wally McCabe
Non-Female Identifying Welfare Officer 2nd Year Classics & English They/them
The Equalities team consists of the Women*s Officer, LGBTQA+ Officers, BME Officers, Disabilities Officer, International Students Officer, Faiths and Beliefs Officer, Social Backgrounds Officer, Access & Outreach Officer and Trans Officer. They promote the needs of, and offer support to marginalised students.
The Internal Affairs team consists of the Affiliations Officer, Domestic Officer, Green Officer, Bar Manager and Shop Managers. They oversee various aspects of everyday college life, helping to make LMH the best place it can be for its students.
The Social team consists of the Social Secretaries, Sports Officer, Charities Officer, MAD Officer, Tortoise Officer and Alternative Social Secretaries. They help to promote the sense of community within the JCR and contribute to the JCR’s active social life.
Fergus Carrington
Social Secretary 2nd Year Maths & Philosophy He/him
Eun Hah
Social Secretary 2nd Year Maths & Computer Science He/him
An addition to the JCR Constitution was the role of the Independent Chair. The Chair is responsible for ensuring that the administration of the JCR is at all times in accordance with the Constitution and Standing Orders. To this end, they resolve any disputes that arise, in accordance with the Constitution. They also chair all General Meetings of the JCR and act as Returning Officer in all JCR Elections and Referendums alongside the Secretary, who acts as the Deputy Returning Officer.
A new Independent Chair is elected by the last General Meeting of every term.